Kata and Rank
It is well known that marital arts schools use colored belts to denote rank. When a student enters Suibukan they will wear a white belt. As technical skills are attained, the karateka (karate student) will have the opportunity to test for the next highest belt. All students will progress at their own pace, and there is no question that daily practice, both at the dojo and at home, will rapidly improve skills.
We use 7 belts for our youth, and 5 for our adults, as illustrated in the chart below. The top row is for mudansah (unranked) and the bottom row is for yudansha (ranked / black belts).
Kata is the backbone of karate, but using those skills gained in kata are also important. The complete list of requirements for each rank can be found in the dojo. However, the following are the new kata requirements for each adult level belt (each level is also required to be able to demonstrate all katas up to and including that color level).
A Yellow belt can perform the following kata:
7 Kihon Kata (fundamental)
Pinan Nidan (be safe / peaceful)
Pinan Shodan (be safe / peaceful)
A Purple belt can perform the following kata:
Nihanchi Nidan (horse / ship)
Nihanchi Sandan (horse / ship)
Okan (horse / ship)
Passai Sho (breaking through)
A Black belt can perform the following kata:
Kusanku Sho (Chinese roots)
Kusanku Dai (Chinese roots)
Gojushiho (54 steps)
Dai Ni Gojushiho (54 steps)
2 Weapon Kata
A Green belt can perform the following kata:
Pinan Sandan (be safe / peaceful)
Pinan Yodan (be safe / peaceful)
Pinan Godan (be safe / peaceful)
Nihanchi Shodan (horse / ship)
A Brown belt can perform the following kata:
Passai Dai (breaking through)
Jion (temple bell)
Chinto (quiet / soft)
1 Weapon Hojo Undo