Hall of Fame
Our own legends!
O'Sensei Tadashi Yamashita is the head of Suibukan. He and Sensei Ninios founded the dojo in 1964 / 1965. O'Sensei lives in California, and runs dojos worldwide. O'Sensei returns to Mishawaka routinely to teach us. He is seen here at his 50th dojo anniversary seminar.
Kyoshi Jerry Wrobleski (right) ran Midwest Karate Academy from 1977 to 2016, when he retired from day to day operations. He is currently 9th Degree Shorin-ryu Karatedo and 6th Degree Kobudo (weapons). He is seen here training with Kyoshi John Sorg, also 9th Degree. John is the head of our sister school in Goshen, IN. Together, he and Jerry kept the school alive when Sensei Ninios succumbed to a bran aneurism in the ‘70s.
Kyoshi Teru Hendry ran her dojo, Okinawan Budo Institute in Elkhart for many years. After retiring from running her own dojo she taught kobudo at Suibukan for many more years until her full retirement at the age of 95! She is ranked 8th Degree in Kobu Do and Shorin-ryu Karate Do.
Sensei Brian Bengtsson is a 4th degree in Sho-rin-ryu, a 3rd degree in weapons and a 2nd degree in Hojutsu. Sensei Brian was the pivotal figure in the transition from Midwest Karate Academy to Suibukan, taking over the day-to-day running of the business; creating this website; and pushing for the inclusion of some of our different styles. It is not an exaggeration to say that without Sensei Brian, Midwest Karate Academy would have closed and Suibukan would never have existed. Sensei Brian studied under Sensei Wroblewski, O-Sensei Yamashita, and Senseis’ Terry and Deb Olsen for over 20 years before retiring in 2023.
Shihan Norm Hood is 5th Degree (Yondan), Hojutsu-Ryu. He has more than 35 years of experience in operational law enforcement, training, logistical and support planning for private security companies, military and state police organizations, as well as over 28 years conducting rifle, pistol and shotgun training, including Concealed Carry courses as an independent contractor with a private firearms academy in Alaska and as a former adjunct instructor at Blackwater Worldwide, Inc.
Bart Norville (l) is an Army combat veteran, and went to Shodan in 2022 in a rare and honorable event where he was belted by a sitting school head, not Yamashita directly. Konnor McKinley (r) is ranked 2nd Degree in Open Hand, and 2nd Degree in Kobudo. As of 2022, Konnor is headed to the Air Force. Konnor has been a student since he was a child, waiting nearly 9 years before being able to be belted to Shodan!