Senseis Brian Bengtsson, Kris Gravender, O-Sensei Tadashi Yamashita, Sensei Jerry Wroblewski, ~2016
The New Student Package is an easy way to signup and get a discount on your first 3 months. $215 includes the first 3 months of fees and a standard uniform.
(Regular price of 3 months of fees=$255, standard uniform=$32, total=$287)
monthly fees
Monthly fees are broken into primary and secondary disciplines.
The base fee for primary classes is $85 / month. Members can attend all classes in that discipline.
Each secondary discipline, an additional $20 fee per class. Examples:
A Karate student also takes Tai Chi classes: $85 + $20 = $105 monthly fees.
An Aikido student also takes Karate and Hojutsu classes: $85 + $20 + $20 = $125 monthly fees.
Testing fees.
Testing fees vary by style and rank. See the head of that style for more information, IE Aikido; Sensei Kris, Tai Chi: Shihan Melissa, Hojutsu: Sensei Norm, etc.
Seminar fees.
Seminar fees vary by discipline and subject. Seminar information will be posted on our Facebook page.
Veteran and college student discounts available with current and valid ID.